
class altair.ConcatChart(concat=Undefined, align=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, columns=Undefined, config=Undefined, data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, params=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds)#

A chart with horizontally-concatenated facets.

__init__(concat=Undefined, align=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, columns=Undefined, config=Undefined, data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, params=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds)#

Refer to TopLevelConcatSpec TopLevelConcatSpec schema wrapper.

concatSequence[dict, FacetSpec, LayerSpec, RepeatSpec, FacetedUnitSpec, LayerRepeatSpec, NonNormalizedSpec, NonLayerRepeatSpec, ConcatSpecGenericSpec, HConcatSpecGenericSpec, VConcatSpecGenericSpec]

A list of views to be concatenated.

aligndict, LayoutAlign, RowColLayoutAlign, Literal[‘all’, ‘each’, ‘none’]

The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns. The supported string values are "all", "each", and "none".

  • For "none", a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply placed one after the other.

  • For "each", subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row or column may be of variable size.

  • For "all", subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property will be applied to both grid rows and columns.

Alternatively, an object value of the form {"row": string, "column": string} can be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.

Default value: "all".

autosizedict, AutosizeType, AutoSizeParams, Literal[‘pad’, ‘none’, ‘fit’, ‘fit-x’, ‘fit-y’]

How the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of "pad", "fit" or "none". Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic resizing.

Default value: pad

backgroundstr, dict, Color, ExprRef, HexColor, ColorName, Literal[‘black’, ‘silver’, ‘gray’, ‘white’, ‘maroon’, ‘red’, ‘purple’, ‘fuchsia’, ‘green’, ‘lime’, ‘olive’, ‘yellow’, ‘navy’, ‘blue’, ‘teal’, ‘aqua’, ‘orange’, ‘aliceblue’, ‘antiquewhite’, ‘aquamarine’, ‘azure’, ‘beige’, ‘bisque’, ‘blanchedalmond’, ‘blueviolet’, ‘brown’, ‘burlywood’, ‘cadetblue’, ‘chartreuse’, ‘chocolate’, ‘coral’, ‘cornflowerblue’, ‘cornsilk’, ‘crimson’, ‘cyan’, ‘darkblue’, ‘darkcyan’, ‘darkgoldenrod’, ‘darkgray’, ‘darkgreen’, ‘darkgrey’, ‘darkkhaki’, ‘darkmagenta’, ‘darkolivegreen’, ‘darkorange’, ‘darkorchid’, ‘darkred’, ‘darksalmon’, ‘darkseagreen’, ‘darkslateblue’, ‘darkslategray’, ‘darkslategrey’, ‘darkturquoise’, ‘darkviolet’, ‘deeppink’, ‘deepskyblue’, ‘dimgray’, ‘dimgrey’, ‘dodgerblue’, ‘firebrick’, ‘floralwhite’, ‘forestgreen’, ‘gainsboro’, ‘ghostwhite’, ‘gold’, ‘goldenrod’, ‘greenyellow’, ‘grey’, ‘honeydew’, ‘hotpink’, ‘indianred’, ‘indigo’, ‘ivory’, ‘khaki’, ‘lavender’, ‘lavenderblush’, ‘lawngreen’, ‘lemonchiffon’, ‘lightblue’, ‘lightcoral’, ‘lightcyan’, ‘lightgoldenrodyellow’, ‘lightgray’, ‘lightgreen’, ‘lightgrey’, ‘lightpink’, ‘lightsalmon’, ‘lightseagreen’, ‘lightskyblue’, ‘lightslategray’, ‘lightslategrey’, ‘lightsteelblue’, ‘lightyellow’, ‘limegreen’, ‘linen’, ‘magenta’, ‘mediumaquamarine’, ‘mediumblue’, ‘mediumorchid’, ‘mediumpurple’, ‘mediumseagreen’, ‘mediumslateblue’, ‘mediumspringgreen’, ‘mediumturquoise’, ‘mediumvioletred’, ‘midnightblue’, ‘mintcream’, ‘mistyrose’, ‘moccasin’, ‘navajowhite’, ‘oldlace’, ‘olivedrab’, ‘orangered’, ‘orchid’, ‘palegoldenrod’, ‘palegreen’, ‘paleturquoise’, ‘palevioletred’, ‘papayawhip’, ‘peachpuff’, ‘peru’, ‘pink’, ‘plum’, ‘powderblue’, ‘rosybrown’, ‘royalblue’, ‘saddlebrown’, ‘salmon’, ‘sandybrown’, ‘seagreen’, ‘seashell’, ‘sienna’, ‘skyblue’, ‘slateblue’, ‘slategray’, ‘slategrey’, ‘snow’, ‘springgreen’, ‘steelblue’, ‘tan’, ‘thistle’, ‘tomato’, ‘turquoise’, ‘violet’, ‘wheat’, ‘whitesmoke’, ‘yellowgreen’, ‘rebeccapurple’]

CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.

Default value: "white"

boundsLiteral[‘full’, ‘flush’]

The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One of full (the default) or flush.

  • If set to full, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and legend) will be used.

  • If set to flush, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view will be used. The flush setting can be useful when attempting to place sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.

Default value: "full"

centerbool, dict, RowColboolean

Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective rows or columns.

An object value of the form {"row": boolean, "column": boolean} can be used to supply different centering values for rows and columns.

Default value: false


The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.

Default value: undefined – An infinite number of columns (a single row) will be assumed. This is equivalent to hconcat (for concat) and to using the column channel (for facet and repeat).


  1. This property is only for:

  • the general (wrappable) concat operator (not hconcat/vconcat)

  • the facet and repeat operator with one field/repetition definition (without row/column nesting)

2) Setting the columns to 1 is equivalent to vconcat (for concat) and to using the row channel (for facet and repeat).

configdict, Config

Vega-Lite configuration object. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.

datadict, Data, UrlData, Generator, NamedData, DataSource, InlineData, SphereGenerator, SequenceGenerator, GraticuleGenerator, None

An object describing the data source. Set to null to ignore the parent’s data source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.

datasetsdict, Datasets

A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline datasets. This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive values are ingested as objects with a data property.


Description of this mark for commenting purpose.


Name of the visualization for later reference.

paddingdict, float, ExprRef, Padding

The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle. If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an object, the value should have the format {"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5, "bottom": 5} to specify padding for each side of the visualization.

Default value: 5

paramsSequence[dict, TopLevelParameter, VariableParameter, TopLevelSelectionParameter]

Dynamic variables or selections that parameterize a visualization.

resolvedict, Resolve

Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.

spacingdict, float, RowColnumber

The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator. An object of the form {"row": number, "column": number} can be used to set different spacing values for rows and columns.

Default value: Depends on "spacing" property of the view composition configuration (20 by default)

titlestr, dict, Text, Sequence[str], TitleParams

Title for the plot.

transformSequence[dict, Transform, BinTransform, FoldTransform, LoessTransform, PivotTransform, StackTransform, ExtentTransform, FilterTransform, ImputeTransform, LookupTransform, SampleTransform, WindowTransform, DensityTransform, FlattenTransform, QuantileTransform, TimeUnitTransform, AggregateTransform, CalculateTransform, RegressionTransform, JoinAggregateTransform]

An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.

usermetadict, Dict

Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega. This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom metadata.


URL to JSON schema for a Vega-Lite specification. Unless you have a reason to change this, use Setting the $schema property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON schema.


__init__([concat, align, autosize, ...])

Refer to TopLevelConcatSpec TopLevelConcatSpec schema wrapper.


Add one or more parameters to the chart.


'add_selection' is deprecated.

configure([arc, area, aria, autosize, axis, ...])

Refer to Config Config schema wrapper.

configure_arc([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig RectConfig schema wrapper.

configure_area([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to AreaConfig AreaConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axis([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisBottom([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisDiscrete([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisLeft([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisRight([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisTemporal([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisTop([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisX([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisXBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisXDiscrete([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisXPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisXQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisXTemporal([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisY([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisYBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisYDiscrete([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisYPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisYQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_axisYTemporal([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig AxisConfig schema wrapper.

configure_bar([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to BarConfig BarConfig schema wrapper.

configure_boxplot([box, extent, median, ...])

Refer to BoxPlotConfig BoxPlotConfig schema wrapper.

configure_circle([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_concat([columns, spacing])

Refer to CompositionConfig CompositionConfig schema wrapper.

configure_errorband([band, borders, extent, ...])

Refer to ErrorBandConfig ErrorBandConfig schema wrapper.

configure_errorbar([extent, rule, size, ...])

Refer to ErrorBarConfig ErrorBarConfig schema wrapper.

configure_facet([columns, spacing])

Refer to CompositionConfig CompositionConfig schema wrapper.

configure_geoshape([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_header([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig HeaderConfig schema wrapper.

configure_headerColumn([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig HeaderConfig schema wrapper.

configure_headerFacet([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig HeaderConfig schema wrapper.

configure_headerRow([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig HeaderConfig schema wrapper.

configure_image([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig RectConfig schema wrapper.

configure_legend([aria, clipHeight, ...])

Refer to LegendConfig LegendConfig schema wrapper.

configure_line([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to LineConfig LineConfig schema wrapper.

configure_mark([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_point([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_projection([center, clipAngle, ...])

Refer to ProjectionConfig ProjectionConfig schema wrapper.

configure_range([category, diverging, ...])

Refer to RangeConfig RangeConfig schema wrapper.

configure_rect([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig RectConfig schema wrapper.

configure_rule([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_scale([bandPaddingInner, ...])

Refer to ScaleConfig ScaleConfig schema wrapper.

configure_selection([interval, point])

Refer to SelectionConfig SelectionConfig schema wrapper.

configure_square([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_text([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig MarkConfig schema wrapper.

configure_tick([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to TickConfig TickConfig schema wrapper.

configure_title([align, anchor, angle, ...])

Refer to TitleConfig TitleConfig schema wrapper.


Refer to FormatConfig FormatConfig schema wrapper.

configure_trail([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to LineConfig LineConfig schema wrapper.

configure_view([clip, continuousHeight, ...])

Refer to ViewConfig ViewConfig schema wrapper.

copy([deep, ignore])

Return a copy of the object.

display([renderer, theme, actions])

Display chart in Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab.

from_dict(dct[, validate])

Construct class from a dictionary representation.

from_json(json_string[, validate])

Instantiate the object from a valid JSON string.

interactive([name, bind_x, bind_y])

Make chart axes scales interactive.

open_editor(*[, fullscreen])

Opens the chart specification in the Vega chart editor using the default browser.

project([type, center, clipAngle, ...])

Add a geographic projection to the chart.


Set top-level properties of the Chart.

repeat([repeat, row, column, layer, columns])

Return a RepeatChart built from the chart.

resolve_axis([x, y])

Refer to AxisResolveMap AxisResolveMap schema wrapper.

resolve_legend([angle, color, fill, ...])

Refer to LegendResolveMap LegendResolveMap schema wrapper.


Resolve references in the context of this object's schema or root schema.

resolve_scale([angle, color, fill, ...])

Refer to ScaleResolveMap ScaleResolveMap schema wrapper.

save(fp[, format, ...])

Save a chart to file in a variety of formats.

serve([ip, port, n_retries, files, ...])

'serve' is deprecated.


Display the chart using the active renderer.

to_dict([validate, format, ignore, context])

Convert the chart to a dictionary suitable for JSON export.

to_html([base_url, output_div, ...])

Embed a Vega/Vega-Lite spec into an HTML page.

to_json([validate, indent, sort_keys, ...])

Convert a chart to a JSON string.

to_url(*[, fullscreen])

Convert a chart to a URL that opens the chart specification in the Vega chart editor.

transform_aggregate([aggregate, groupby])

Add an AggregateTransform to the schema.

transform_bin([as_, field, bin])

Add a BinTransform to the schema.

transform_calculate([as_, calculate])

Add a CalculateTransform to the schema.

transform_density(density[, as_, bandwidth, ...])

Add a DensityTransform to the spec.

transform_extent(extent, param)

Add a ExtentTransform to the spec.

transform_filter([predicate, empty])

Add a FilterTransform to the spec.

transform_flatten(flatten[, as_])

Add a FlattenTransform to the schema.

transform_fold(fold[, as_])

Add a FoldTransform to the spec.

transform_impute(impute, key[, frame, ...])

Add an ImputeTransform to the schema.

transform_joinaggregate([joinaggregate, groupby])

Add a JoinAggregateTransform to the schema.

transform_loess(on, loess[, as_, bandwidth, ...])

Add a LoessTransform to the spec.

transform_lookup([lookup, from_, as_, default])

Add a DataLookupTransform or SelectionLookupTransform to the chart.

transform_pivot(pivot, value[, groupby, ...])

Add a PivotTransform to the chart.

transform_quantile(quantile[, as_, groupby, ...])

Add a QuantileTransform to the chart.

transform_regression(on, regression[, as_, ...])

Add a RegressionTransform to the chart.


Add a SampleTransform to the schema.

transform_stack(as_, stack, groupby[, ...])

Add a StackTransform to the schema.

transform_timeunit([as_, field, timeUnit])

Add a TimeUnitTransform to the schema.

transform_window([window, frame, groupby, ...])

Add a WindowTransform to the schema.

transformed_data([row_limit, exclude])

Evaluate a ConcatChart's transforms.

validate(instance[, schema])

Validate the instance against the class schema in the context of the rootschema.

validate_property(name, value[, schema])

Validate a property against property schema in the context of the rootschema.

