This website is for version 5. You can find the documentation for version 4 here.


class altair.ScaleConfig(bandPaddingInner=Undefined, bandPaddingOuter=Undefined, bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingInner=Undefined, bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingOuter=Undefined, barBandPaddingInner=Undefined, clamp=Undefined, continuousPadding=Undefined, maxBandSize=Undefined, maxFontSize=Undefined, maxOpacity=Undefined, maxSize=Undefined, maxStrokeWidth=Undefined, minBandSize=Undefined, minFontSize=Undefined, minOpacity=Undefined, minSize=Undefined, minStrokeWidth=Undefined, offsetBandPaddingInner=Undefined, offsetBandPaddingOuter=Undefined, pointPadding=Undefined, quantileCount=Undefined, quantizeCount=Undefined, rectBandPaddingInner=Undefined, round=Undefined, useUnaggregatedDomain=Undefined, xReverse=Undefined, zero=Undefined, **kwds)#

ScaleConfig schema wrapper

bandPaddingInnerdict, float, ExprRef

Default inner padding for x and y band scales.

Default value:

  • nestedOffsetPaddingInner for x/y scales with nested x/y offset scales.

  • barBandPaddingInner for bar marks ( 0.1 by default)

  • rectBandPaddingInner for rect and other marks ( 0 by default)

bandPaddingOuterdict, float, ExprRef

Default outer padding for x and y band scales.

Default value: paddingInner/2 (which makes width/height = number of unique values * step )

bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingInnerdict, float, ExprRef

Default inner padding for x and y band scales with nested xOffset and yOffset encoding.

Default value: 0.2

bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingOuterdict, float, ExprRef

Default outer padding for x and y band scales with nested xOffset and yOffset encoding.

Default value: 0.2

barBandPaddingInnerdict, float, ExprRef

Default inner padding for x and y band-ordinal scales of "bar" marks.

Default value: 0.1

clampbool, dict, ExprRef

If true, values that exceed the data domain are clamped to either the minimum or maximum range value

continuousPaddingdict, float, ExprRef

Default padding for continuous x/y scales.

Default: The bar width for continuous x-scale of a vertical bar and continuous y-scale of a horizontal bar.; 0 otherwise.


The default max value for mapping quantitative fields to bar’s size/bandSize.

If undefined (default), we will use the axis’s size (width or height) - 1.


The default max value for mapping quantitative fields to text’s size/fontSize.

Default value: 40


Default max opacity for mapping a field to opacity.

Default value: 0.8


Default max value for point size scale.


Default max strokeWidth for the scale of strokeWidth for rule and line marks and of size for trail marks.

Default value: 4


The default min value for mapping quantitative fields to bar and tick’s size/bandSize scale with zero=false.

Default value: 2


The default min value for mapping quantitative fields to tick’s size/fontSize scale with zero=false

Default value: 8


Default minimum opacity for mapping a field to opacity.

Default value: 0.3


Default minimum value for point size scale with zero=false.

Default value: 9


Default minimum strokeWidth for the scale of strokeWidth for rule and line marks and of size for trail marks with zero=false.

Default value: 1

offsetBandPaddingInnerdict, float, ExprRef

Default padding inner for xOffset/yOffset’s band scales.

Default Value: 0

offsetBandPaddingOuterdict, float, ExprRef

Default padding outer for xOffset/yOffset’s band scales.

Default Value: 0

pointPaddingdict, float, ExprRef

Default outer padding for x and y point-ordinal scales.

Default value: 0.5 (which makes width/height = number of unique values * step )


Default range cardinality for quantile scale.

Default value: 4


Default range cardinality for quantize scale.

Default value: 4

rectBandPaddingInnerdict, float, ExprRef

Default inner padding for x and y band-ordinal scales of "rect" marks.

Default value: 0

roundbool, dict, ExprRef

If true, rounds numeric output values to integers. This can be helpful for snapping to the pixel grid. (Only available for x, y, and size scales.)


Use the source data range before aggregation as scale domain instead of aggregated data for aggregate axis.

This is equivalent to setting domain to "unaggregate" for aggregated quantitative fields by default.

This property only works with aggregate functions that produce values within the raw data domain ( "mean", "average", "median", "q1", "q3", "min", "max" ). For other aggregations that produce values outside of the raw data domain (e.g. "count", "sum" ), this property is ignored.

Default value: false

xReversebool, dict, ExprRef

Reverse x-scale by default (useful for right-to-left charts).


Default for continuous scales except for (1) x/y-scales of non-ranged bar or area charts and (2) size scales.

Default value: true

__init__(bandPaddingInner=Undefined, bandPaddingOuter=Undefined, bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingInner=Undefined, bandWithNestedOffsetPaddingOuter=Undefined, barBandPaddingInner=Undefined, clamp=Undefined, continuousPadding=Undefined, maxBandSize=Undefined, maxFontSize=Undefined, maxOpacity=Undefined, maxSize=Undefined, maxStrokeWidth=Undefined, minBandSize=Undefined, minFontSize=Undefined, minOpacity=Undefined, minSize=Undefined, minStrokeWidth=Undefined, offsetBandPaddingInner=Undefined, offsetBandPaddingOuter=Undefined, pointPadding=Undefined, quantileCount=Undefined, quantizeCount=Undefined, rectBandPaddingInner=Undefined, round=Undefined, useUnaggregatedDomain=Undefined, xReverse=Undefined, zero=Undefined, **kwds)#


__init__([bandPaddingInner, ...])

copy([deep, ignore])

Return a copy of the object

from_dict(dct[, validate, _wrapper_classes])

Construct class from a dictionary representation

from_json(json_string[, validate])

Instantiate the object from a valid JSON string


Resolve references in the context of this object's schema or root schema.

to_dict([validate, ignore, context])

Return a dictionary representation of the object

to_json([validate, indent, sort_keys, ...])

Emit the JSON representation for this object as a string.

validate(instance[, schema])

Validate the instance against the class schema in the context of the rootschema.

validate_property(name, value[, schema])

Validate a property against property schema in the context of the rootschema