
class altair.ScaleInvalidDataShowAsValueshape(value=Undefined, **kwds)#

ScaleInvalidDataShowAsValueshape schema wrapper.

valuestr, SymbolShape

Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:

  • plotting shapes: "circle", "square", "cross", "diamond", "triangle-up", "triangle-down", "triangle-right", or "triangle-left".

  • the line symbol "stroke"

  • centered directional shapes "arrow", "wedge", or "triangle"

  • a custom SVG path string (For correct sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)

Default value: "circle"

__init__(value=Undefined, **kwds)#



copy([deep, ignore])

Return a copy of the object.

from_dict(dct[, validate])

Construct class from a dictionary representation.

from_json(json_string[, validate])

Instantiate the object from a valid JSON string.


Resolve references in the context of this object's schema or root schema.

to_dict([validate, ignore, context])

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

to_json([validate, indent, sort_keys, ...])

Emit the JSON representation for this object as a string.

validate(instance[, schema])

Validate the instance against the class schema in the context of the rootschema.

validate_property(name, value[, schema])

Validate a property against property schema in the context of the rootschema.