This website is for version 5. You can find the documentation for version 4 here.


class altair.Chart(data=Undefined, encoding=Undefined, mark=Undefined, width=Undefined, height=Undefined, **kwargs)#

Create a basic Altair/Vega-Lite chart.

Although it is possible to set all Chart properties as constructor attributes, it is more idiomatic to use methods such as mark_point(), encode(), transform_filter(), properties(), etc. See Altair’s documentation for details and examples:


An object describing the data source


A MarkDef or CompositeMarkDef object, or a string describing the mark type (one of “arc”, “area”, “bar”, “circle”, “geoshape”, “image”, “line”, “point”, “rule”, “rect”, “square”, “text”, “tick”, “trail”, “boxplot”, “errorband”, and “errorbar”).


A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.

autosizeanyOf(AutosizeType, AutoSizeParams)

Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of “pad”, “fit” or “none”. Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic resizing. “fit” is only supported for single and layered views that don’t use rangeStep. Default value: pad


CSS color property to use as the background of visualization.

Default value: none (transparent)


Vega-Lite configuration object. This property can only be defined at the top-level of a specification.


Description of this mark for commenting purpose.


The height of a visualization.


Name of the visualization for later reference.


The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization canvas to the data rectangle. If a number, specifies padding for all sides. If an object, the value should have the format {“left”: 5, “top”: 5, “right”: 5, “bottom”: 5} to specify padding for each side of the visualization. Default value: 5


An object defining properties of geographic projection. Works with “geoshape” marks and “point” or “line” marks that have a channel (one or more of “X”, “X2”, “Y”, “Y2”) with type “latitude”, or “longitude”.


A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.

titleanyOf(string, TitleParams)

Title for the plot.


An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.


The width of a visualization.

__init__(data=Undefined, encoding=Undefined, mark=Undefined, width=Undefined, height=Undefined, **kwargs)#


__init__([data, encoding, mark, width, height])


Add one or more parameters to the chart.


'add_selection' is deprecated.

configure([arc, area, aria, autosize, axis, ...])

Refer to Config

configure_arc([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig

configure_area([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to AreaConfig

configure_axis([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisBottom([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisDiscrete([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisLeft([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisRight([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisTemporal([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisTop([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisX([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisXBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisXDiscrete([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisXPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisXQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisXTemporal([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisY([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisYBand([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisYDiscrete([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisYPoint([aria, bandPosition, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisYQuantitative([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_axisYTemporal([aria, ...])

Refer to AxisConfig

configure_bar([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to BarConfig

configure_boxplot([box, extent, median, ...])

Refer to BoxPlotConfig

configure_circle([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_concat([columns, spacing])

Refer to CompositionConfig

configure_errorband([band, borders, extent, ...])

Refer to ErrorBandConfig

configure_errorbar([extent, rule, size, ...])

Refer to ErrorBarConfig

configure_facet([columns, spacing])

Refer to CompositionConfig

configure_geoshape([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_header([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig

configure_headerColumn([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig

configure_headerFacet([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig

configure_headerRow([format, formatType, ...])

Refer to HeaderConfig

configure_image([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig

configure_legend([aria, clipHeight, ...])

Refer to LegendConfig

configure_line([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to LineConfig

configure_mark([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_point([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_projection([center, clipAngle, ...])

Refer to ProjectionConfig

configure_range([category, diverging, ...])

Refer to RangeConfig

configure_rect([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to RectConfig

configure_rule([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_scale([bandPaddingInner, ...])

Refer to ScaleConfig

configure_selection([interval, point])

Refer to SelectionConfig

configure_square([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_text([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to MarkConfig

configure_tick([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to TickConfig

configure_title([align, anchor, angle, ...])

Refer to TitleConfig


Refer to FormatConfig

configure_trail([align, angle, aria, ...])

Refer to LineConfig

configure_view([clip, continuousHeight, ...])

Refer to ViewConfig

copy([deep, ignore])

Return a copy of the object

display([renderer, theme, actions])

Display chart in Jupyter notebook or JupyterLab

facet([facet, row, column, data, columns])

Create a facet chart from the current chart.

from_dict(dct[, validate])

Construct class from a dictionary representation

from_json(json_string[, validate])

Instantiate the object from a valid JSON string

interactive([name, bind_x, bind_y])

Make chart axes scales interactive

mark_arc([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'arc' (see MarkDef)

mark_area([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'area' (see MarkDef)

mark_bar([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'bar' (see MarkDef)

mark_boxplot([box, clip, color, extent, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'boxplot' (see BoxPlotDef)

mark_circle([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'circle' (see MarkDef)

mark_errorband([band, borders, clip, color, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'errorband' (see ErrorBandDef)

mark_errorbar([clip, color, extent, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'errorbar' (see ErrorBarDef)

mark_geoshape([align, angle, aria, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'geoshape' (see MarkDef)

mark_image([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'image' (see MarkDef)

mark_line([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'line' (see MarkDef)

mark_point([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'point' (see MarkDef)

mark_rect([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'rect' (see MarkDef)

mark_rule([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'rule' (see MarkDef)

mark_square([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'square' (see MarkDef)

mark_text([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'text' (see MarkDef)

mark_tick([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'tick' (see MarkDef)

mark_trail([align, angle, aria, ariaRole, ...])

Set the chart's mark to 'trail' (see MarkDef)

open_editor(*[, fullscreen])

Opens the chart specification in the Vega chart editor using the default browser.

project([type, center, clipAngle, ...])

Add a geographic projection to the chart.


Set top-level properties of the Chart.

repeat([repeat, row, column, layer, columns])

Return a RepeatChart built from the chart

resolve_axis([x, y])

Refer to AxisResolveMap

resolve_legend([angle, color, fill, ...])

Refer to LegendResolveMap


Resolve references in the context of this object's schema or root schema.

resolve_scale([angle, color, fill, ...])

Refer to ScaleResolveMap

save(fp[, format, ...])

Save a chart to file in a variety of formats

serve([ip, port, n_retries, files, ...])

'serve' is deprecated.


Display the chart using the active renderer

to_dict([validate, format, ignore, context])

Convert the chart to a dictionary suitable for JSON export

to_html([base_url, output_div, ...])

Embed a Vega/Vega-Lite spec into an HTML page

to_json([validate, indent, sort_keys, ...])

Convert a chart to a JSON string

to_url(*[, fullscreen])

Convert a chart to a URL that opens the chart specification in the Vega chart editor The chart specification (including any inline data) is encoded in the URL.

transform_aggregate([aggregate, groupby])

Add an AggregateTransform to the schema.

transform_bin([as_, field, bin])

Add a BinTransform to the schema.

transform_calculate([as_, calculate])

Add a CalculateTransform to the schema.

transform_density(density[, as_, bandwidth, ...])

Add a DensityTransform to the spec.

transform_extent(extent, param)

Add a ExtentTransform to the spec.

transform_filter(filter, **kwargs)

Add a FilterTransform to the schema.

transform_flatten(flatten[, as_])

Add a FlattenTransform to the schema.

transform_fold(fold[, as_])

Add a FoldTransform to the spec.

transform_impute(impute, key[, frame, ...])

Add an ImputeTransform to the schema.

transform_joinaggregate([joinaggregate, groupby])

Add a JoinAggregateTransform to the schema.

transform_loess(on, loess[, as_, bandwidth, ...])

Add a LoessTransform to the spec.

transform_lookup([lookup, from_, as_, default])

Add a DataLookupTransform or SelectionLookupTransform to the chart

transform_pivot(pivot, value[, groupby, ...])

Add a PivotTransform to the chart.

transform_quantile(quantile[, as_, groupby, ...])

Add a QuantileTransform to the chart

transform_regression(on, regression[, as_, ...])

Add a RegressionTransform to the chart.


Add a SampleTransform to the schema.

transform_stack(as_, stack, groupby[, ...])

Add a StackTransform to the schema.

transform_timeunit([as_, field, timeUnit])

Add a TimeUnitTransform to the schema.

transform_window([window, frame, groupby, ...])

Add a WindowTransform to the schema

transformed_data([row_limit, exclude])

Evaluate a Chart's transforms

validate(instance[, schema])

Validate the instance against the class schema in the context of the rootschema.

validate_property(name, value[, schema])

Validate a property against property schema in the context of the rootschema



Refer to _encode_signature :2: (WARNING/2) Title underline too short. Refer to _encode_signature ----------