.. currentmodule:: altair .. _user-guide-calculate-transform: Calculate Transform ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The calculate transform allows the user to define new fields in the dataset which are calculated from other fields using an expression syntax. As a simple example, here we take data with a simple input sequence, and compute a some trigonometric quantities: .. altair-plot:: import altair as alt import pandas as pd data = pd.DataFrame({'t': range(101)}) alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode( x='x:Q', y='y:Q', order='t:Q' ).transform_calculate( x='cos(datum.t * PI / 50)', y='sin(datum.t * PI / 25)' ) Each argument within ``transform_calculate`` is a `Vega expression`_ string, which is a well-defined set of javascript-style operations that can be used to calculate a new field from an existing one. To streamline building these vega expressions in Python, Altair provides the :mod:`altair.expr` module which provides constants and functions to allow these expressions to be constructed with Python syntax; for example: .. altair-plot:: from altair import expr, datum alt.Chart(data).mark_line().encode( x='x:Q', y='y:Q', order='t:Q' ).transform_calculate( x=expr.cos(datum.t * expr.PI / 50), y=expr.sin(datum.t * expr.PI / 25) ) Altair expressions are designed to output valid Vega expressions. The benefit of using them is that proper syntax is ensured by the Python interpreter, and tab completion of the :mod:`~expr` submodule can be used to explore the available functions and constants. These expressions can also be used when constructing a :ref:`user-guide-filter-transform`, as we shall see next. Transform Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :meth:`~Chart.transform_calculate` method is built on the :class:`~CalculateTransform` class, which has the following options: .. altair-object-table:: altair.CalculateTransform .. _Vega expression: https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/