.. This document is auto-generated by the altair-gallery extension. Do not modify directly. .. _gallery_wheat_wages: Wheat and Wages --------------- A recreation of William Playfair's classic chart visualizing the price of wheat, the wages of a mechanic, and the reigning British monarch. This is a more polished version of the simpler chart in :ref:`gallery_bar_and_line_with_dual_axis`. .. altair-plot:: :code-below: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data base_wheat = alt.Chart(data.wheat.url).transform_calculate( year_end="+datum.year + 5") base_monarchs = alt.Chart(data.monarchs.url).transform_calculate( offset="((!datum.commonwealth && datum.index % 2) ? -1: 1) * 2 + 95", off2="((!datum.commonwealth && datum.index % 2) ? -1: 1) + 95", y="95", x="+datum.start + (+datum.end - +datum.start)/2" ) bars = base_wheat.mark_bar(**{"fill": "#aaa", "stroke": "#999"}).encode( x=alt.X("year:Q", axis=alt.Axis(format='d', tickCount=5)), y=alt.Y("wheat:Q", axis=alt.Axis(zindex=1)), x2=alt.X2("year_end") ) area = base_wheat.mark_area(**{"color": "#a4cedb", "opacity": 0.7}).encode( x=alt.X("year:Q"), y=alt.Y("wages:Q") ) area_line_1 = area.mark_line(**{"color": "#000", "opacity": 0.7}) area_line_2 = area.mark_line(**{"yOffset": -2, "color": "#EE8182"}) top_bars = base_monarchs.mark_bar(stroke="#000").encode( x=alt.X("start:Q"), x2=alt.X2("end"), y=alt.Y("y:Q"), y2=alt.Y2("offset"), fill=alt.Fill("commonwealth:N", legend=None, scale=alt.Scale(range=["black", "white"])) ) top_text = base_monarchs.mark_text(**{"yOffset": 14, "fontSize": 9, "fontStyle": "italic"}).encode( x=alt.X("x:Q"), y=alt.Y("off2:Q"), text=alt.Text("name:N") ) (bars + area + area_line_1 + area_line_2 + top_bars + top_text).properties( width=900, height=400 ).configure_axis( title=None, gridColor="white", gridOpacity=0.25, domain=False ).configure_view( stroke="transparent" ) .. toctree:: :hidden: