.. This document is auto-generated by the altair-gallery extension. Do not modify directly. .. _gallery_stem_and_leaf: Stem and Leaf Plot ------------------ This example shows how to make a stem and leaf plot. .. altair-plot:: :code-below: import altair as alt import pandas as pd import numpy as np np.random.seed(42) # Generating random data source = pd.DataFrame({'samples': np.random.normal(50, 15, 100).astype(int).astype(str)}) # Splitting stem and leaf source['stem'] = source['samples'].str[:-1] source['leaf'] = source['samples'].str[-1] source = source.sort_values(by=['stem', 'leaf']) # Determining leaf position source['position'] = source.groupby('stem').cumcount().add(1) # Creating stem and leaf plot alt.Chart(source).mark_text( align='left', baseline='middle', dx=-5 ).encode( alt.X('position:Q', title='', axis=alt.Axis(ticks=False, labels=False, grid=False) ), alt.Y('stem:N', title='', axis=alt.Axis(tickSize=0)), text='leaf:N', ).configure_axis( labelFontSize=20 ).configure_text( fontSize=20 ) .. toctree:: :hidden: