.. This document is auto-generated by the altair-gallery extension. Do not modify directly. .. _gallery_stacked_bar_chart_with_text: Stacked Bar Chart with Text Overlay =================================== This example shows how to overlay text on a stacked bar chart. For both the bar and text marks, we use the ``stack`` argument in the ``x`` encoding to cause the values to be stacked horizontally. .. altair-plot:: :code-below: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data source=data.barley() bars = alt.Chart(source).mark_bar().encode( x=alt.X('sum(yield):Q', stack='zero'), y=alt.Y('variety:N'), color=alt.Color('site') ) text = alt.Chart(source).mark_text(dx=-15, dy=3, color='white').encode( x=alt.X('sum(yield):Q', stack='zero'), y=alt.Y('variety:N'), detail='site:N', text=alt.Text('sum(yield):Q', format='.1f') ) bars + text .. toctree:: :hidden: