.. This document is auto-generated by the altair-gallery extension. Do not modify directly. .. _gallery_parallel_coordinates: Parallel Coordinates Example ---------------------------- A `Parallel Coordinates `_ chart is a chart that lets you visualize the individual data points by drawing a single line for each of them. Such a chart can be created in Altair by first transforming the data into a suitable representation. This example shows a parallel coordinates chart with the Iris dataset. .. altair-plot:: :code-below: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data source = data.iris() alt.Chart(source).transform_window( index='count()' ).transform_fold( ['petalLength', 'petalWidth', 'sepalLength', 'sepalWidth'] ).mark_line().encode( x='key:N', y='value:Q', color='species:N', detail='index:N', opacity=alt.value(0.5) ).properties(width=500) .. toctree:: :hidden: