.. This document is auto-generated by the altair-gallery extension. Do not modify directly. .. _gallery_density_stack: Stacked Density Estimates ------------------------- To plot a stacked graph of estimates, use a shared ``extent`` and a fixed number of subdivision ``steps`` to ensure that the points for each area align well. Density estimates of measurements for each iris flower feature are plot in a stacked method. In addition, setting ``counts`` to true multiplies the densities by the number of data points in each group, preserving proportional differences. .. altair-plot:: :code-below: import altair as alt from vega_datasets import data source = data.iris() alt.Chart(source).transform_fold( ['petalWidth', 'petalLength', 'sepalWidth', 'sepalLength'], as_ = ['Measurement_type', 'value'] ).transform_density( density='value', bandwidth=0.3, groupby=['Measurement_type'], extent= [0, 8], counts = True, steps=200 ).mark_area().encode( alt.X('value:Q'), alt.Y('density:Q', stack='zero'), alt.Color('Measurement_type:N') ).properties(width=400, height=100) .. toctree:: :hidden: