.. currentmodule:: altair .. _installation: Installation ============ Altair can be installed, along with all its optional dependencies, using: .. code-block:: bash pip install "altair[all]" If you are using the conda_ package manager, the equivalent is: .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge altair-all At this point, you should be able to open any IDE compatible with Jupyter Notebooks, and execute any of the code from the :ref:`example-gallery`. For more information on how to display charts in various notebook environments and non-notebook IDEs, see :ref:`displaying-charts`. If you wish to install Altair with only the required dependencies, you can omit the ``[all]``/``-all`` suffix. Development Installation ======================== The `Altair source repository`_ is available on GitHub. Once you have cloned the repository and installed all the above dependencies, run the following command from the root of the repository to install the main version of Altair: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e . To install optional and development dependencies as well, run .. code-block:: bash pip install -e ".[all, dev]" If you do not wish to clone the source repository, you can install the development version directly from GitHub using: .. code-block:: bash pip install -e git+https://github.com/altair-viz/altair.git Please see `CONTRIBUTING.md `_ for details on how to contribute to the Altair project. .. _conda: https://docs.conda.io/ .. _Vega-Lite: http://vega.github.io/vega-lite .. _vega_datasets: https://github.com/altair-viz/vega_datasets .. _JupyterLab: http://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/ .. _Jupyter Notebook: https://jupyter-notebook.readthedocs.io/ .. _Altair source repository: http://github.com/altair-viz/altair